Thursday, October 13, 2016

What's in my church bag?

I have two bags I take to church every week.  Well actually I have recently narrowed it down to one because I only have to take one diaper and wipes to church now.  Phew... its nice to not haul around so much.

We usually take some stickers for Lexi she loves them, or those reusable stickers.  Sometimes she will choose those magnets too.  We like to rotate it so they are kind of like a new toy every week.  It helps keep her attention longer
I also have this toy that my sister came up with and has been so nice.  Its just one of those take and toss containers that I use for baby food. She cut a small hole in top and then got those pom pom balls.  The kids love to push them down in and get them out again. Sawyer things its the best toy ever.

I also take some crackers for them to snack on since we are there during lunch time.  We try to eat before but we usually just have them eat snacks.  Then we eat "lunch" when we get home.  I used to take fruit snacks but they were so loud and I  felt like they caused more problems then they were worth.

We like to put some coloring books in there too sometimes.  I think the biggest thing for success for my church bag is to mix it up and not always have the same books or things for them to use.  Most of the stuff we take is only for church too.  So it is a special treat to play with them.

I got these plastic finger puppets when Lexi was little and they are great.  There were 5 but we seem to have lost one along the way.   They still love these and they are very durable for babies to chew on haha. 

This is the toy that we need to give back to grandma. They have been enertained by this for quite some time.  They boys are usually fighting over it.  Sawyer likes to erase things and so we get to work on our drawing skills.   I love that its small and it doesn't make noise.  We really will have to look for one so we can give it back to grandma really.  

YAY I am down to just one diaper and some wipes to church so I usually just stuff the one clean diaper and wipes inside of my small wetbag and then if we end up using the diaper the wipes just come out and the dirty diaper goes in.  Its so nice to only have to take one so I only have one bag now.  

I also have this book with pictures of Jesus in it.  Lexi uses this to look at during sacrament.  I have been trying to have her sit and think about Jesus during the sacrament.  It is slowly getting better.  This book helps her a little bit.  I hope as they get older they will like to look at this book for because that is the whole reason behind why we go to church and try to sit quietly during sacrament.

I hope this helps and gives you some good ideas to those of you that have little kids.

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