Monday, October 24, 2016

The power of positive thinking..... Try prayer power

I really enjoy reading this book with the little reading time I am allowed...  I am learning so much to help me slow down and relax.  So here is the review of the next chapter.

Try prayer power:

"You can receive guidance in problems if prayer is allowed to permeate your subconscious, the seat of the forces which determines whether you take right or wrong actions. Prayer has the power to keep your reactions correct and sound."  This is where I had to stop and think.  I immediately thought of those times that I get so frustrated or mad at the kids for making a mess or getting into something they shouldn't for the umpteenth time.  Prayer has the power to keep that reaction to that situation correct and sound.   How big of a deal is it really that I had just spent an hour cleaning and organizing all of those toys that they just dumped into a huge big pile on the floor?  Does it really matter?   NO!  It makes me crazy but having that constant prayer in my mind will keep that reaction in check.  This will be a big help to me.
I remember on my mission we would visit with the members and encourage them to talk to their neighbors about the gospel or visit teach.  Sometimes it was even as simple as reading their scriptures and praying,  Something I didn't get why they weren't doing that daily.   I have since had the struggle personally to make that a daily habit.  I go in spurts where I am really good about praying and reading my scriptures then time goes by and I realize its been a while.  I know there is a lot of room for improvement.  I need to re-prioritize. So this chapter was much needed for me.

The secret of prayer is to find the process that will most effectively open your mind humbly to God.  We need to be open enough to receive the answers or promptings that he will give us.   Talk to him like he is really there.  I remember hearing this all the time when we would study prayers.  These are a few of the questions he suggested to help with our prayers.  What will I do about this?  Can you give me new insight on this? Can you help me understand this situation better?  Those are just some questions that he suggested we use to open it up a little bit.   I really like the help me see a new inside or side on this because there is so much we can't or just don't see.

"Work hard and intelligently, thus doing your part to achieve success in the matter."  Things are never just given to us.  We have to work hard and keep moving for things to happen.

"Within the mind are all of the resources needed for successful living. Ideas are present in
consciousness."   we just need to open them up and discover them, use them.

He talks about a story where a girl used this power of prayer and she said that those times when she would normally get upset and frustrated, if she has said her prayers and had a prayer in her heart and on her mind.  The situation just doesn't seem to have the power to upset her anymore.  So life still has struggles and frustrations but she has changed and she is stronger so they don't make such a big deal about certain things.  This is what I need because I know that life will still happen I just need to be prayerful and have that help in my life.  Especially the way things are going right now in the world.

He gives a few rules to getting effective results from prayers here are two of my favorites.
1-  Pray as you go about the business of the day, Utilize minute prayers by closing your eyes to shut out the world and concentrate briefly on God's presence.  The more you do this everyday,  the nearer you will feel to God's presence.
What a nice feeling that will be but we have to make the effort to make him part of our day and talk to him.  This will bring such a feeling of peace because he knows all.

2- Always accept willingness to accept Gods will. Ask for what you want, but be willing to take what God gives you.  It may be better than what you asked for.  He knows everything and he knows better than we do what we really need.  He knows the long run, we have a harder time seeing that big picture.

I think that is a big one that we need to be willing to accept what God gives us.   He knows what we need and we only think we know.  We have to have that faith in him though and know that he will really give us what we need and ultimately want.

This has been a great chapter for me because I have been struggling with my prayers lately and I know that I can improve a lot.  I need to keep that prayer in my heart and not just pray when I am in need.  I know this will improve my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and who doesn't want that.   So here's to being better and improving every day.  This is my new goal.

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