I have done a lot of canning this year and I like to try new things so we have a variety of food in our storage. I normally just can the plums just by themselves. This year I decided to try plum jam and I found a recipe that didn't have sugar it had honey. I thought awesome, honey is better for you than sugar. It has all of these good antibodies and it helps you fight colds and boosts your immunity. I proceeded to make this jam and can it. It took A LOT of honey. It was equal parts plums to honey.
I don't know why it didn't cross my mind while I was making it but after I was all done and used a ton of raw honey. Raw honey isn't cheap either. I realized that heating up the honey to can it, it looses all of its good benefits. Its still maybe a hair better than sugar but not much anymore.
I was so sad because I had made 24 pints of this jam.
Don't get me wrong it is delicious but it was expensive and it doesn't have any of the benefits of raw honey left since it was boiled. I was sad, mad, disappointed and frustrated all at the same time.
I guess I learned a valuable lesson from this. First never heat honey above 108 degrees I believe that is where it looses its good qualities. Second always ask my mom if she has whatever I'm looking for. Turns out she has tons and tons of honey from my grandma years ago. Honey never goes bad. So at least I was able to refill my honey stash. haha.
Its good to have these learning experiences to keep us humble and remind us that we should ask questions. It will taste great all winter and I don't think this is a mistake I will ever repeat.
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