Thursday, February 4, 2016

Why I need ME time...

Have you ever been in your house ALONE and feel so weird?

I very rarely have ALONE ME time.  I wake up at 5 and work,  I don't really count that as me time because I'm busy working.  Then the kids wake up and we do our daily routines.   Nap times are nonexistant at our house well except the baby.    Then bed time is 8 and the kids are usually asleep by 9.  I finish cleaning up the house and then hit the sack because I am sure I will be woken up by someone in the night and I want to get at least a few hours of sleep.
Occasionally I get to go to the store alone and its nice. I find myself hurrying anyways because that is just what I do now.   The other day my husband and I had met at Aunt Darces house.  My husband was coming home from work and I drove down to her house.  He took the kids home and I went and got some food at Winco, my favorite store.  After I finished grabbing the groceries I found myself with my old running playlist blazing in the car and I was singing loudly.  I stopped and laughed because I hadn't done this in a long time and I loved it.  I missed singing loudly to my music that I no longer listened to except on that rare occasion I actually found time to run.  I realized that it felt good to be me still.  That younger me was still in there.  I don't know quite how to describe it but the me that I was before I was a Mom.  Its important to still have those quiet alone times.

I was home alone the other day, my husband had taken the kids to grandmas house and I had a meeting in 30 min.  It was so odd to have the house quiet and no one running around.   It was almost eerie.  I thought to myself what do I even do?  I have a list 3 miles long of projects I would like to do.
I really think for me at least that I need that ME time to rejuvenate and boost me up.   If I want to be the best mom I can be I need to take that time whether it be 5 min or an hour to be ME.    I find that if I just keep running and doing it all I start to lose some perspective and I begin to question the value of what I am doing.  I begin to feel ineffective, short tempered, and angry at everything.    In order to keep those feelings in control we need to take time for ourselves.  It can be something simple like just sitting and looking out the window at nothing.  I love to go sit outside and watch the birds or clouds.  Maybe read part of a book you have been wanting to read forever.   I find that most often I take a long shower and that makes me feel much better.

There are so many different ways we can take our time.  Just make sure that you take the time to do it so you can be ready to go and be the best mom you can be for your little ones.


  1. Yes!
    I just heard my new favourite expression the other day:
    You can't pour from an empty cup.
    It's so true! We need to recharge ourselves or else we just get burnt out!
    Thanks for the post!

    1. So true. I love that. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see your blog.
