Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cloth diaper review #1

I seriously love cloth diapering and now my sister is also cloth diapering her little baby.  Its fun to be able to talk and share stuff.   I love it when I find out someone I know cloth diapers, it makes it fun.  The other day I was at church and we have a "mothers room"  where the moms go to nurse their babies or change diapers.   I was changing my son and a girl saw my diapers and said " you use cloth diapers?!?"  I responded "YES!  Do you?"  she said that she used to.  Its fun to find new cloth friends.

It seems like every 6 months or so we switch up our cloth diapers for various reasons.   I love trying new kinds of diapers and I know I can always resell the ones I don't like so its a great deal. I wrote a post about my cloth diaper journey you can check it out here... You cloth diaper?!?!  I wanted to review the diapers I am currently using so people can learn more about the different kinds. I know I loved to read all about it when I was researching them out.

 This is what we have been using lately and they have been working wonderfully.   Thirsties duo wrap covers  this is a size 1 that I am using on my 1 year old.  They are thin but work great.  I usually don't like velcro on diapers because they get worn out faster than snaps but for little babies I like them.  All of my newborn covers are velcro.   These are double gusset so they keep everything in.  The only thing I don't like about these thirsites duo wraps are they have white trim and they stain very easily. I wish they would trim them in the color that matches the diaper.  Thirsties also has this gathering in the front that helps with front leaks.  It just helps to hug the skin better than a flat front. 

These thirsties have gotten better since I first started using them they now have thicker velcro and they hold up so much better.  I love how thick and sticky they are.  That was a much needed improvement.  They also have gotten cuter prints then they used to have.  I'm a sucker for new cute prints.  

I also use Grovia shells.  These are top quality I feel like.  They fit well and they are so cute.  They don't have double gussets but they have a mesh liner.  That mesh liner really holds things in pretty well.  I have been very pleased with these covers.  They are good quality and still trim fitting.   Grovia has inserts you can snap in but I feel like prefolds do a better job and are more versatile.  They are also cheaper.  

 My littlest one has some major stink issues with his pee, I don't know what it is. His diapers just got the ammonia smell so fast.   My older son never had this issue.  So I had to use flats with him to be able to clean and wash the stink out.  I have started to use prefolds to see if he was over that stinky stage and it appears that he is mostly.   I use grovia, diaper rite, and nickis bamboo/cotton prefolds.  I just pad fold them inside of the covers.  I really like diaper rites prefolds they seem to be softer and stay softer for longer.  They are all great quality so far.

I use the thirsties duo wrap size 2 on my 3 year old.  I wish I could use the underwear but he doesn't want to so we aren't pushing it.  I also use the rumparooz covers they are a little bit bigger than grovia I feel like.  I have loved the quality of rarz.

I use a size 3 prefold with him and it seems to absorb really well with him.  I have very rarely had a leak with a prefold and a cover for him.  We tried aio and other kinds and we had leaks.

This has been working great for us and prefolds and covers are easy to clean and fold back up.  I love how they are so simple and yet work so great.  

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