I was so afraid to try dying any article of fabric again after my last dyeing experience. So I researched a little bit more about the dyes and how to have a successful experience. I got a better brand of dye and some soda ash that helps it to set the color so it won't bleed when its washed. I joined a dying group on facebook and read their instructions and I felt pretty confident I could do it.... and succeed this time.
I chose fire red....I love red and I was really hoping it would be a dark enough red to not look pink. I already have a bunch of blue so I thought red would look nice and its still pretty gender neutral. Here is my white blanket before I dyed it. I washed it before hand so I was all ready to go.
You mix the dye color up like it says on the dye label and then pour it in the water. Then you add the article to be dyed. Your supposed to stir it continuously for 15 minutes. Then I added the soda ash to set the color, then you can decide how much longer to keep it in the dye depending on how dark you want the color to be. I chose as dark as I can, so I let it sit for an hour, stirring continuously.
It turned out perfect, I love how deep red it is. I couldn't have asked for better. I washed it after by itself. The next time I washed it I washed it with some towels to make sure it wouldn't bleed onto good clothes. It didn't, So the soda ash really works well.
Here are a few more I have done as well, can you tell i'm a little obsessed with dying? This green one I made for Max and he loved it. Its an electric green and it is bright.
This turquoise turned out perfect I love the brightness to it. The yellow one is ok I wish it turned out a little lighter but its still super cute.
This one was scary. When I added the soda ash it turned peachy. I was so sad because I really really wanted this one to turn out. After I rinsed it it started to look more pink than peachy. Then after I washed it, it came out almost exactly the color I wanted and Lexi immediately claimed it even though I didn't make it for her. haha I'm glad that she likes it.
I'm glad I figured out the key to dying is the soda ash to help the color stick. Its pretty cheap too so that is even better It has been fun to pick out blankets and colors for my kids and personalize them for what they like. The kids really like them and I love these blankets I use them for everything baby.
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