My whole life I have been taught to have a one year supply of food. You never know what will happen, a natural disaster, a loss of a job, a great depression again. We have the means to be prepared and take care of ourselves and we should.
My mom was really good at having a good food storage and rotating through it. So when I got married we had a little bit and I was trying to figure out the best way to do it. My sweet grandma and grandpa started giving all of her grand kids money specifically to buy food storage. This has been such a big help. I was able to really get a good start. We didn't have a lot of storage in our old house so I stored what I could under the stairs in our semi cold storage. The rest I put throughout the house but mostly in my daughters closet and our laundry room.
So when we moved and I saw this beautiful storage room with all of these shelves and space, I was in heaven. I filled up those shelves with my canned food and the bottom two rows are the long term food storage I bought over a 5 year time period. It took a lot of work and planning.
I studied the church's page about how much you should have per person and what kinds of foods they suggest. Here is the link. if you want to read more about it and get started or get help on your own food storage.
I kept it all written down in a notebook and also had it on a spreadsheet on the computer. Each time I would buy something for our long term food storage I would mark it on the list and after a few years I feel like we have a pretty good amount until we add some more people to our family. I really liked being able to know exactly what I needed to get when we had the extra money available to buy another order. It was simple and easy once I had it all worked out.
I bought most of it from the LDS church as they had the best prices I found. Then I bought a few things like dried meat from THRIVE. I also have some random fruit and veggies from Auguson farms, that I got from a local store. They also have some soup mixes and tomato sauces to put with all of my rice and noodles we have. Just to add some variety if we ever really need to use this long term food storage. These are all good for 20-25 years and I guess I figure by the time we have to rotate it out most of our kids will be out on their own and when we replace it, we will be replacing it for just the two of us.
I feel a lot more peace about having food if we need it for whatever reason. There are still some things we need to get to be fully prepared. Like a way to cook it all we have some fuel for our stove but we would need a lot more so that is next on my list. We also have some water jugs but I could probably add a few more to our storage.
I know that when we follow the prophets council we will be blessed. Just knowing that if anything were to happen we would be ok for a little bit on food anyways, gives me peace. I am so grateful for my grandparents for helping us out and making this happen a lot sooner than it probably would have happened if they didn't donate this money to us.
I have also been working on our 72 hour kits and will make a separate post about that.