I recently bought a book from Green Smoothie Girl called 12 steps to eating whole foods. I have wanted it ever since I went to that first class. I have been waiting for it to go on sale or a special or something. It never did so for my Christmas present to myself I bought it... a little early. I should have waited because its on clearance now. Goes to show patience is waiting longer than I thought. Oh well it was still worth it to me, but I would have liked to pay half. I have learned so much from this book. There are 12 different steps to teach you how to have better eating habits and yummy recipes. I was already doing the 1 quart of green smoothie a day so I had that step down. The next step is making salads your main dish. There were a lot of different recipes for new salads to mix things up so your not always eating the same green salad. I have loved learning new things to put in salads and eating new foods. I have tried things that I have always said I didn't like and come to find out its not so bad after all. One of those is zucchini. I sauteed it in coconut oil with some sweet potatoes and it was delicious.
I always thought eating healthy would be a lot more expensive but its really not because veggies really aren't more expensive than buying processed food. There are so many veggies and fruits to eat, and so many ways you can eat the same ones. I cant' wait to grow my garden this next year and grow enough to overload my freezer. That is my goal to have it full of garden produce instead of processed foods. I do have to go to the store more often to get the fresh produce. I also participate in a co-op every other week that gets me quite a bit of fruits and veggies for a deal. I always end up getting stuff that I wouldn't normally buy, that helps me to try new things.
Cooking has never been my strong point. I am getting better at getting dinners ready and making them healthy but there are some days that are just hard and then my husband is home before I know it and I have nothing prepared. Its those days that I just think ok as long as its a little healthier than it used to be we are doing good. Little by little I will make it.
That is what I love about this book is that it is set up to take you 12 months. One step each month and if you catch onto one quick or you are already doing one or partially doing one, then you can skip ahead. Some months will take me longer and some months will be faster. I am just trying to do a little more each day to be a little healthier.
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