My little two year old has said the funniest things lately. We were at our great aunt Darces house who is 81. She is like a grandma to my kids, we go to visit her all the time. We used to live 2 blocks away from her, so my kids know and love her a lot. We were eating dinner and he said "Do you have a dad?" She explained to him that yes but he was in heaven. A few days later we were there visiting again and he asked me " How did Sawyer get in your belly?" I was caught off guard because he is two years old and he is asking these questions. He is a thinker. We told him Heavenly Father put him there. That answer makes sense to him right now. He just amazes me at how he thinks about things.
We went to my parents house for thanksgiving and we were helping set up chairs and this same little two year old asks my mother "Where are your kids?" We all chuckled and then I explained that I was her kid. That didn't make sense to him because I am not a kid.
These funny questions are normal for him. I love that he is curious and that he asks questions. I love writing these things in his journal to read back over later. I have started a journal for each of my kids when we found out we were pregnant with them. I would write about the pregnancy with them. What I craved, how things were looking from the outside looking in. I try to write as often as I can about the progress and steps they make. I love writing about the hilarious things they say or do.
I remember when I had my first baby I would ask my sister all the time when her daughter did this or that and she couldn't really remember, she had two at this point. Somethings she could remember very clearly others not so much. I was baffled that she couldn't remember. Then when I had two and three kids I understood that they all blended together and you just forget small details. This is why I wanted to write stuff down to remember the hilarious things they have said or done. I want to remember their little quirks and their individual personalities as small kids, because they grow up too fast. Like my daughter is obsessed with animals. She has these small plastic animals and she plays with them all day long, everyday. I want her to know and remember those memories.
Sometimes when I am writing in their journal they want to "help" me. I let them draw pictures and its fun to look back and see how they have improved in their drawing skills. It goes from scribbles to shapes to people. They love helping and I think they will love to look back and see pictures they drew.
My mother wrote in a journal for me until I was old enough to write in my own and I love reading the things she wrote down, because I, for sure don't remember any of it. So I wanted to preserve those memories for my children as well. Even if its just for me to remember when they sat up or walked or talked first.
I will also have my mother, so the kids grandma write in it to get a different view. I also like to encourage Daddy to write for them. I find it funny to read what they write about the kids too.
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