Monday, November 28, 2016

Put it down and take a step away..... part 2 simplify life

I decided that I needed to make some changes and disconnect with the world. I need to simplify this part of my life.   I needed to put down my phone and give more undivided attention to our kids.  I looked back to how I grew up, there were no cell phones. It was awesome we played all day long, well, besides when we were doing our chores.  I don't want my kids to remember me as the mom that was always "busy" on her phone. I'm just on more than I would like and most of it is just browsing a lot and it's mindless stuff a lot of the time.  When I could be spending quality time with our kids this makes me sad that I sometimes choose that over them because I am "stressed"  Even looking back 3-5 years ago when I didn't have the internet on my phone it was so much better.  I only relied on my phone for calls and texts.  I want to go back to that.

I knew it was going to be hard and it has been hard.  I am just doing little by little.  I am realizing that my kids are growing up fast and soon they won't want to play barbies, or cars with me.  So I need to take advantage of that now.  Some days I really am terrible and I look back and think did I really play with my kids today between all of the household things I did?   
Lexi and Max have always been really good to play together well.  They have so much fun pretending.  It used to be Lexi telling Max what to do but the other day I heard Max telling her what to do and she did it.  I guess they have reached that point where they both listen to each other.  It makes my heart happy to see them play together.  They are best friends.  We were going somewhere and Lexi wasn't listening and getting ready and we said ok we are going to go.  Max said No we can't leave Lexi, She has to come she is my best friend.  It made both me and Jared smile.
It has been hard to leave the phone alone some days.  I am realizing I am a lot more attached or addicted to it then I thought.  Just the last few days my phone has been having issues and not working right.  I tried rebooting and uninstalling things and finally I uninstalled facebook and instagram.  My phone works fine now....... Is that a sign or what?  I am going to take it as one.  I installed instagram again but I am not going to do facebook because I waste a lot of time on there and I don't want to do that anymore.  I want to not be reaching for my phone all day long.  I am tired of being a slave to it.
I have found when I leave my phone in another room then it seems easier to not see it there and glace at it, then I get sucked in.  So if it takes me longer to respond to something you know why.
  Yes I love the convenience of it and all of the good things I can do with it. I do a lot of my church calling on it, researching ideas for cub scouts.  I get a lot of emails from my daughters school with important things. I listen to conference talks and the scriptures sometimes.  I love that there is so much good stuff available so quick.  There are so many groups to have and share support but I really believe the best support is going to come from my husband and Heavenly Father.  They know me best and that is where I should be looking the most for answers and help.   So I need to spend more time getting closer to them.

I have been doing this for a few weeks now and I have noticed a difference in my attitude and I love it.  It takes a conscious effort some days to keep the phone away and not be on it.  I love the time it has freed up though.  I am not only spending more quality time with my kids. I don't feel like I have to be up to date on everything in the online world.  Its a nice change.  I look forward to continuing to change this and simplify my life even more.  

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