Monday, November 14, 2016

Getting rid of that stack of pants

I have three beautiful children and I love it.  I love being a mom, It's got its ups and downs but its all worth it. As a mom we experience a whole new life once we have kids.  Our bodies are able to grow a tiny baby and then we are able to trust our body to birth it.  Our bodies go through so many changes to have a baby.  Our hormones get out of wack.   I am so grateful for the ability I have to be able to carry my children and birth them.   It truly is a blessing.  
I am amazed at my body and how it has been fairly easy to recover and adjust from being pregnant and having babies.  In this post I wrote a while ago, I talk a little bit about how all three of my babies births and breastfeeding journeys were different.   This also played a part on how my body recovered. As long as I nurse my baby I actually hold onto 5-10 extra pounds then when my baby completely weans I seem to lose that weight.  Not the norm I hear.  

After my second I lost all the weight from his pregnancy and then more from the first.  haha.  I was less than before I had kids.  Stinking gallbladder.   
My third has been a little bit rougher journey.  I haven't been as dedicated to working out or running. I used to run quite a bit and loved it.  I find with three kids its just not happening.  I don't make it a priority I guess.   After 19 months I am back to the range of weight that I am comfortable with and yet still my pants don't fit without being uncomfortable or that muffin top look.  I think that after three kids my hips have widened.  Is that a real thing?   
Or am I just making it up to make me feel better about my old pants not fitting anymore?!?  I don't know but either way that is fine.  I went out and bought a few pair of pants that do fit and make me feel great.  They are comfortable and that is what its all about.  

So here is my stack of pants that I am going to go sell to a consignment shop and get some money out of them so I can fund those jeans that I finally purchased that fit and make me feel wonderful.  
Some things about being a mom aren't fun but its still all worth it... even this stack of pants.

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