Thursday, September 29, 2016

The terrible no good very bad day!!!

I had two crockpots waiting for me when I woke up ready to finish the apple butter so as the kids ate breakfast I was blending and mixing it up putting it in jars.  I got one going before I left to run Lexi to school and when we came back it was done.  I let it cool off and waited for my others to cook and be done.  I was sanitizing my jars and I went to poor the hot boiling water out into the sink.  Being the smart person I am I didn't use hot pads and so in the 5 foot journey to the sink somehow the plastic handle was burning me.  So I dropped one side into the sink and it poured all over my other hand.  It was HOT but didn't really hurt at first.  I thought phew that was lucky. After I dried what had spilled on the floor I began to fill the burn.  My hand was red and you know how when you get burned it just burns?  I don't know how to describe the feeling.  I immediately grabbed my colloidal silver and began applying that on it and let it soak in.

My mom has burned herself quite a few times in her cooking history so I called her up and I said what should I do besides the silver.  She said lavender oil... ok great I have that on hand.  I rotated between lavender diluted with coconut oil and soaking it in silver.  It burned for quite a while but by mid afternoon it was feeling much better.

That afternoon the last batch of apples were ready for canning. I went out to fill up my steam canner with water and noticed there was a huge hole in the bottom.  That makes sense now why it wasn't steaming at the end of the last batch!  I had forgotten to pour some more water in. ARGGG.... So I had not only burned my hand but managed to burn and ruin my steam canner.  They don't even make that kind anymore.  I was quite distraught.  I texted my sister in law that lives down the road and asked if I could borrow her water bath canner for my last load. I decided I better stop for the day I had already had enough trouble.  I was afraid that if I kept going I might ruin something else.  I had better throw in the towel for the day and not attempt anything else.

By that night my hand just had a few tiny spots that were red on my knuckles but besides that you couldn't even tell I was burned.  It was still tender to the touch of water.  The next day it was almost completely healed.  I couldn't believe it.  I had poured boiling water on it and after using lavender oil and colloidal silver it was fine.  Miracles really do exist,  and I am thankful for this one today.

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