Thursday, August 4, 2016

My first foot zone

A few months ago I sold/traded one of my baby carriers for some money and part traded for a foot zone.   I thought I would love to try a foot zone so sure....  Months later I finally got it scheduled with my friend.

I was amazed at what she could see or find out with just my feet.  She said my thyroid is overworked.  I have felt really tired lately and I'm not usually so tired.  I also feel like I have been sleeping better recently since my baby is finally sleeping through the night most nights. Yet I still felt really tired.  So that one made sense to me.  She said magnesium is mineral I am in need of.  She said most people need more magnesium.  So Epsom salt baths and magnesium supplements for me.  There is even a good one made right here from our Great Salt Lake.  Trace minerals is what its called.  I have yet to order it, but I need to.

As she was moving my feet and rubbing them.  Some places it was relaxing and like a foot massage but then when she found a hard spot she worked it and it hurt.  She said my liver was sluggish and she worked on that for a bit.  It was unpleasant but I know it was good.
She would put some oils on my feet while she was rubbing and I don't know what ones but I'm sure it was a specific one to help move or heal whatever organ she was working on.
When she finished she said something else I noticed was that you aren't very grounded.... I don't know exactly what that means but she explained that praying more, and taking the time to meditate would help.  I know I need to do that.  Remember a post a while back from the book Power of positive thinking was about meditating and how taking that time to do it was so important.  Well I obviously still need help to take that time to do that.
She also said imagining that you are a tree with roots imagine those roots stretching down deep and the leaves and branches waving with the wind.  Bending and moving.  I also took that as not being so ridged and being more flexible.  That will help me not stress out about things.
My church calling has been a little stressful lately and its been hard.  So I know that being flexible and having plans change is ok.  I need to learn to be flexible and work with that.  I don't do well when I have something planned and then things change.  I am also very stubborn and that is something I am learning as a parent that some things just have to let go.

There were also some other things she mentioned and I knew they were true and she had no way of knowing that.  It sounds like a palm reading thing kind of but I really believe that if you believe its true it can be healing and help you become a more balanced person.

She said that sometimes just having a foot zone is an eye opening experience because I knew some of the stuff she told me deep down but I didn't want to or I was avoiding it.  Sometimes it helps us to have someone else tell us what they can see or feel and then we can come to terms with it.  Like oh those ideas or thoughts I have been having really are affecting me and making me anxious or unsettled.
I really enjoyed my experience and will have another one done in the future.  I really felt good about it and I know there are plenty of things I need to work on personally.

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