This really made me think about everything I do and why I do it. My life is for me to learn and grow and ultimately make it back to live with him once again. Once my daughter was born I was also born as a mother. My life completely changed, and my purpose was then to help my children grow up to be the best humans possible. My time is now for them. This is what God gave me time for. It takes priority over everything I do. I also feel like this is the best way to learn lifes lessons. Like being patient for example. Kids are the best way to learn that. Every time I yell or want to yell at my kids for doing naughty things, I am reminded of how patient Heavenly Father is with me. He lets me learn things and it helps me to be a little bit better.
I am guilty of wanting to craft or read a good book and just telling the kids to go play or entertain themselves. Although I know moms need some alone time and how important it is to take time for yourself to keep yourself going. We need to make sure we are doing the best for our kids as well. We are spending quality time with them and teaching them the right things. I am amazed at how well they learn. My daughter loves to read the scriptures and she will be the one to remind me that we need to read them before we go to bed. She also reminds me of FHE. She says "Is it Monday yet mom? "
Motherhood never has been nor will it ever be easy. It is meant to make us grow and learn from each other. I really believe that the harder things are to accomplish the more we learn and we value them. This is motherhood for me.
I love my kids and would do anything for them. My littlest has recently become very clingy and he has to always be within 5 feet of me. If I go out of his sight he is right there saying Mom? It gets a little tiring. One day when he was taking a nap we were sitting watching the Olympics with my other kids and my daughter came over and laid on me and wanted me to hold her. I told her to lay next to me I just don't want anyone touching me for 5 min. I just have had too much touchy time. haha. Then I felt bad because its not her fault baby brother gets all the touchy feely time. She still needs her time. So I cuddled her up and held her. They won't be little forever is what I am told, so enjoy it while it last. I try to do that.
Just a few days ago I was out trying to water my garden and my littlest was out there with me of course and he just wants to hold the hose and play with it. So I had him outside of my fence around my garden and he was not happy. I was almost done and my neighbor came over on the other side of the fence and started talking to him and playing with him and he lit up. He started laughing hysterically. He played with her for probably 30 min. When she left he was sad and wanted her to come back. It really made me think its the simple things that will entertain him. He was playing with a tennis ball and just getting attention. He loved it. I need to just let him help with garden things even though it makes a mess.
These are the little things that the kids will remember. Its hard to keep the end in site all the time, but when I do its much easier to take a step back and not get frustrated with little daily things.
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