Backpacking is a tradition that always makes me smile. Growing up that was our family vacation every year. So I have tried to go when we can, it's hard when we have babies and are nursing babies. Last time we went was two years ago and I was 16 weeks pregnant.
This year we had planned to go to Kings peak the tallest peak in Utah. We were going with my sister and her boys. We woke up early and just drove up to the trail head and started about 9:30 We were doing great until about 11:30 maybe and then it started to rain. It always rains in the Uintah mountains, seriously everyday. We were well prepared because I knew it was going to rain so we had ponchos and I had lined my bag with a plastic bag so hopefully nothing would get soaked. My sister and her kids on the other had were not so prepared and got pretty wet.
We hiked up to where we decided to stay, it was a few miles short of where we had planned on camping. So we started a fire and tried to dry things out. It stopped raining about 3 and so we had some time to dry almost everything out.
My sister and her family had decided to just hike back out the next morning and me and Jared decided to finish the loop and then hike out.
The next morning we took off one way and they went the other. We saw some beautiful lakes, and it was warm... it didn't rain at all. We were glad we did the loop.
This is kings peak in the middle that tiny little mountain. We made our plans for next time we attempt. Third time is a charm right?
By the time we got back to the car it was 13 miles from our camp site the night before. The day before we had hiked 8 miles in so 21 in two days is pretty good for us. Our feet and legs were feeling it for sure.
So I meant to take pictures of the before bag but we just got too busy. so here is what was left when we got home. If you backpack you will know that a good water purifier is essential. We keep the clean tube that doesn't touch the contaminated water in a ziplock bag so it won't accidentally get contaminated.
These are the butane gas containers I have had the big one for about 10 years and we finally finished it out this trip. Now I won't have to haul around two every time we go wondering when it will run out. My stove is the little red container next to it. Its called a pocket rocket because its so small. I love it. This is also our food storage stove :)
We took a hammock because we found one that was so light weight so I thought it would be nice to get up and rest our feet when we got up there. My nephew also slept in the hammock for the night. He tied up a tarp to cover it and he said it worked great. I want to try that next time, it would be a lot less to have to pack and carry.
Since I knew it was going to rain I just lined the inside of my pack with a garbage bag and then put my stuff inside. My clothes I even put in another plastic bag. Nothing worse than wet clothes when your backpacking.
I usually use my eternal frame pack but I had recently bought this internal frame pack from my sister and wanted to try it. It has a nice pocket on top of the pack. It does only have one big compartment in the main pack. It also doesn't have any side pockets so I missed that on this new one. I felt like it was a lot lighter and smaller.
For dinner we used mountain house dinners. My sister dryes her own and I need to learn from her and do it next time. I just didn't have time this year. These are delicious and very filling.
So this is everything I had in my pack along with some granola bars and fruit snacks.
Then this is how I arranged it all to fit in I carried Jared ground pad and then he carried the tent. So nice of him..
We had a blast and I love getting away from everything and just being out in beautiful nature. It was so pretty and clean up there. Its nice to just get some time to be alone with me and Jared. We can talk and reconnect. I hope that as our kids get older and can carry their own stuff they will want to join us and adopt this tradition in our family.