With my daughter being in first grade and taking home lunch every day I wanted to find some good reusable bags. Even though we do reuse ziplocks as well. I have made a post on that a long time ago. So I found some on Jane.com a terrible website that has so many good things I have to stop myself from looking at it everyday.
They had the sandwich size and a snack size. It came in a pack of two each. I like them but they are really stiff and hard plastic of some sort. They function but I wasn't sold on them.

Then I am part of a group that does monthly buys from a place called frontier. They have a lot of natural things. I have loved ordering from them. We get a better price when we order as a group. I found some on there and I bought a set a few months ago and have loved them. They are more silicone feeling and easier to work with.
I have liked them so much I just ordered a bunch more of them for using for the other kids snacks and stuff in the car and when they want a bag of pretzels. I also found they had a large size one that is like a gallon size ziplock so I will see how that one works out.
I would like to not have to buy the ziplocks at all anymore.
I would still have some on hand for meats and stuff like that I don't like to mess with that.
They had some really cute patterns that the kids love. I am loving how the ones I got a few months ago have held up they don't show any signs of wear.
The first ones I got from Jane are a little worn and I don't think will last very long compared to these. The brand on the good ones are Full circle.
This is a picture of the bottom of the snack size it has a pretty wide base for a small bag and I am amazed at what I can fit in their. The sandwich bags don't have the pleated bottom so they are more for just sandwiches or flat things.
The large gallon ziplock one has the pleat thing. I love them and the kids love picking the fun designs out. I love to be saving in one more way. Highly recommended.