I think I have said this before but the more natural things I learn about and discover I usually remember that my mom used that or did that for a while. The one I remember the most was a plastic magic washer ball. We all gave her a really hard time for that. I guess it turned out to not work and she noticed it after a while the clothes weren't getting really clean.
I love that my mom tried or did a lot of these things I am now trying. One of those things that she still uses is essential oils. My grandma, her mom is a big oil user. You can tell when grandma comes in a room because you smell the oils on her. She is very healthy and in great shape because of it.
I have been using rosemary and lavender for years now and love them. I know they work well for the right things. You just have to learn how and when to use them.
I think I have mentioned this before but I am just amazed at what natural herbs and plants are available to us that God put in nature to help us. We just have to learn how to use them.
My husband has always had pretty good allergies and this year it has been extra bad since we have been working in the field.
So I have been looking for another option for him that isn't saline nasal spray because he got to the point where that wasn't even doing anything for him anymore. One of the ladies I have met from this crunchy facebook group was kind enough to help me understand some oils and get me some help for him. So we use a mix from DoTerra that is called breathe and we diffuse it at night in our room and we have both been sleeping better. He is even asking for me to make sure its running before we go to bed, and the other night I taught him how to do it himself. That is how you know it really works.
Here is my diffuser I got off amazon and it does an amazing job. The kids like to turn the lights on it on. It rotates through all the colors. Its pretty cool. It diffused intermittently or it can be constant. I usually do it intermittently because it will last a lot longer that way.
I received a book about all the different oils that I have been looking for. I have been borrowing my moms to help try to learn more. So its great to have my own now and it was free with the oils I bought. Awesome. I also got a balance mix that I rub on my feet before I got to bed. It helps balance your emotions and ground you. Just what I needed from the foot zone.
I love reading about all of the different oils and how to use them. I started to get more interested in them as well when I watched the Truth about Cancer series and how powerful oil is when used correctly.
I have also been defusing oil in our kitchen since that is where we spend the most of our time. I put lemon and wild orange in there and they are supposed to uplift the mood and make you cheery. I think it works, I sure think it smells good, so that is a plus.
I have been taking epsom salt baths to help with magnesium and I put a few drops of lavendar in the water as well. I feel like I sleep better after soaking in the bath for 20-30 min. I am trying to learn a little more each day about oils. I really want to be able to use them on my kids for sickness and my little baby gets ear infections quite a bit.
I got some roller ball bottles and I filled one with lavendar, one with onguard, and one with melaluca. The kids love rubbing it on each others feet before bed. They think it tickles and they always ask if they can do it. I have also been rubbing on guard on baby because he has been coughing and congested. Hoping that helps.
I am excited to try to prevent as much sickness as possible this winter season with the oils and the kefir we use. I really hate going to the dr and having to get probiotics because it just destroys your gut and the probiotics you have built up. So lets see how good we can do with the kids this cold season.