Marie Kondo wrote a book about tidying and how to clean out.
I remember my sister talking about this and how she cleaned out and used this " if it doesn't spark joy... Toss it" I love getting rid of stuff and organizing things. I love to see the progress of messy to clean. My closet has been needing a cleaning out for a while. I almost couldn't fit more hangers in and I knew there were some clothes in there I hadn't worn in a few years.
So finally I just did it. I took the plunge, I went through and thought do I like this does it spark joy when I wear it? No toss it. Yes keep it. I tossed about half of my skirts and quite a few shirts. I love having sisters for this reason, we can pass clothes around. I have had somethings come back after a few years and realized hey this used to be mine. Its fun. The things my sisters don't want we sell to a consignment shop and get some money back. We also donate to the local thrift shops.
I have a whole bag of clothes that I need to sell and one for the DI ( local thrift store) I also went though the kids clothes as well. When they grow out of clothes I go through them all and think did she really wear this one a lot? is it worth storing for years? I usually slim down quite a bit and sell her clothes. My boys are different because they are close in age and my baby will be wearing my older boys clothes in 2 years and boys get so dirty. Its worth it to save almost all of their clothes.
I also love to go through closets and see things and think I haven't used that in years I need to just get rid of it. I love how tidy closets look and I know some things you only use every few years, and those things I will keep but most of us hold on to things longer than we need to, thinking one day I will use this.
My kids know that I really will get rid of toys and sell them. When we moved I had boxed up a bunch of toys months before we moved and after 6 months of being here in our new place. I sold some of those toys and they just about died. I said you guys haven't played with these in a year. Plus we have way too many toys anyways. I love to randomly go through the toy room and toy box and take small things out that are junk or missing pieces and get rid of them. Make room for the new toys they get from birthdays and holidays, or just to have less of a mess to clean up. :)
My sister is a genius, when she has a birthday party or something she gives things that can be used up and thrown away. Consumable. That is a moms best friend. I love that idea. My daughter loves to color so for her birthday I got her a huge coloring book and she spends hours coloring and we sit and talk. We put it on the fridge for a week or so and then we replace it with another one and we recycle the old one. I love it. We both enjoy doing it and then it leaves, it doesn't take up space forever.
I have enjoyed taking this advice in our spring cleaning this year. I think I will adapt it to be a normal everyday thing. If it doesn't spark joy toss it.
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