I remember as a kid she was always crocheting, knitting or tatting something for us. She made us some crochet dolls that were awesome. She also made us all our own afghans. She taught me how to crochet and I am glad that she did. I have made a few things and I always think of her when I do.
The kids remember her as the grandma that has the doll toys, or the grandma with white hair. They didn't get the idea of great grandma Aren't all Grandmas great? The kids loved going to see her because she had fun toys that were probably 50-60 years old. Max loved to go see her because he knew she had some gummy candies in a temple tin. Even when she moved to an assisted living he found that tin in her room and made sure to get some candy.
I really got to know my grandma better once I had kids and we started to go and visit her every few months. We live about an hour away so I would try to plan a day that me and some of my sisters could go with me and see her. The visits usually weren't too long but we got to know her a little bit more every time. She loved seeing the kids and she had the perfect lap for babies. The had long legs and the babies fit perfect on her lap. She would usually tell us about her latest family history find. She loved family history and did so much work for all of us. She has given us books with all of the names she has found and worked on. She knew so much about her family and ancestors. I admire her for that.
There have been so many times that I have thought of her since she has passed on. I think oh we could go see her we will be down there anyways then I remember that she isn't there anymore. My husband has to go down near her old house for some work and I thought oh that would be a good time to spend a few hours with Grandma. It made me really sad to realize that first time that she wasn't there to talk to anymore. Not that I would call her or visit her and talk to her about deep life changing things but just to see her and talk to her about the kids and life.
I am happy that she is with Grandpa now. She lived 8 years after Grandpa died. I can't imagine how hard that must have been but she was always happy and smiling when we visited her. When she first started to really not do so well I think I went down two times in the week right before she died and saw her. I wanted to make sure we said goodbye and the kids could see her one last time. She wasn't doing well both times. It broke my heart to see her like that. I just wanted her to go and be with Grandpa and for her to be out of pain and suffering. When I heard that she had passed I had a feeling of relief pass over me because I knew that was what she wanted was to be with Grandpa again and not have to be in and out of consciousness. I love her so much and am so grateful for everything she has taught me through out my life. I am grateful for the plan of salvation and to know that families are forever and I will see her again. I am grateful that I know where she is and that she is continuing to work on family history just in a different way. I know that when I see her again I will be giving her a great big hug and tell her just how much I love her.