14- Relax for easy power
There is a difference between relaxing and being lazy. If we have purpose to our relaxing and we are thinking about God and getting in tune with him. If we relax in this way it is the best way we can renew our power. We will have so much more energy to do everything we need to do. Its not about the quantity of relaxation time its about quality. You can use just a few minutes of quality time and make it work for us. He says he had a friend that would do it when he was stuck in traffic. He only took 1-2 minutes and it renewed his energy. Something he would have otherwise made him more tense or stressed, instead he took advantage of that and make that time benefit him. I know I could sure benefit from these 1-2 minute destressors throughout my day.
He gives 10 things that help us work hard easily. The one that I really liked was Be determined to like your work. Perhaps you do not need to change your work but your attitude and it will make all of the difference. Change yourself and your work will seem different. It can become a pleasure. He also says to pray about your work. I feel like if we pray about it, God will help us organize ourselves better or know how to do things more efficiently so we will get more done. I really believe he is waiting to help us we just need to remember to ask and be willing to listen and heed to those promptings.
15-How to get people to like you.
Our natural human nature is the desire to be liked and appreciated. Everyone wants that and if they say they don't they are lying. The answer is pretty simple in face its to be sincere, have a genuine interest and love for people. If you do that for everyone not just the people that are easy to like then you will begin to develop other traits that help you become such a happy and likable personality.
There are so many people in the world that have been forgotten. Moms that have the kids all grown up and don't "need" or depend on her anymore. The business man that is retired and his company doesn't need him anymore. Someone once asked him if he could write a book on how to retire and be happy. Its harder than we all make it up to be. We look forward to that time for so long and then I guess when we get there we are kind of forgotten if we don't make a point to get out and be involved.
We go through life being needed. I think of my life as a mom. About every other second I hear "MOM" He says I'm going to miss it. Hard to imagine now but I can see it. I think of my parents they once had a bustling house with 7 kids I"m sure we got on their nerves. Now they live in their home with just each other. Its quite a change I'm sure. We always have that desire to be needed and appreciated.
There are so many interesting people in this world and they way to learn about them is to talk to them. Even those hard ones, the ones that talk for hours and hours. If we show a sincere concern for them, they will like us and others will too. He suggest for those harder people to like and be concerned about if you think about all of their positive attributes or things they have done you will be surprised at how you will begin to like them. He also says we should encourage everyone, build up their ego. Every one likes someone that is honest and is saying good things about you. I mean how could you not? They make you feel good every time you see them. Make sure to congratulate people when it is deserved. Make sure in all of this that its honest and sincere though people can tell when its forced or made up. Never miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulations for an achievement. I know this works for kids. The more you show them positive actions get praise the more they want it, and they will do better and work for it. I believe this works for adults and all humans. We all liked to be praised for our work.
Another thing he said would help is to develop a quality of being relaxed and easy going so things won't ruffle your feathers. Your not easily upset. I have really been working on this one. Its hard. I have noticed over the last 2-3 months that I have been more calm and not so quick to anger with the kids. I have been trying to develop this.
The most important thing is to be honest and be positive when we are building others up. I recently read a quote "You must be good for something. You must contribute to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence, the good that is in you must be spread to others" I loved this and thought it went along well with this chapter and how to get others to like you. If we are striving to make the world a better place then we are doing good things in the world. That in turn will make people like us.
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