Try this health formula
Its not a question of whether an illness is physical or emotional, but how much of each. I really believe this. When we hold onto a grudge it will effect us. All of those feelings of hate, resentment, jealousy, vindictiveness they will produce bad health. We have to let those feelings go if we want to be healthy and happy. We have to honestly ask ourselves if we are harboring any ill will or resentment or grudges, and cast them out. They don't hurt anyone else but us. We need to replace those not so good feelings with happy and positive feelings and emotions.
One way to do that is to write down everything that irritates you. This is a form of just letting it go and sometimes we can see how silly some things that are bothering us really are. Then we are to pray about each item. Whenever we pray about something it seems to be easier to let things go or to see a new perspective about it. This will help us let go of those feelings, but first we have to be able to recognize them. That is sometimes hard for me.
There is a distinct relationship between our emotions and the common cold. Have you ever noticed after you have been really stressed that you come down with a cold? I sure have. Emotional disturbances are believed to affect the blood circulation in the linings of the nose and throat. So that is where we get the sore throat and runny nose. Those membranes become weak and we are more susceptible to viruses and germs. This is another reason that he says we need to be positive and easy going. Don't get stressed about stuff. Easier said then done but we can do it.
New thoughts can remake you-
"Nothing on earth is greater than the human mind in potential power. The average individual is capable of much greater achievement than he has ever realized." This is a very encouraging thought. We are so much more capable than we thought. We need to boost ourselves up and know that we can be better and we will. He goes on to say that we can make anything of our lives if we can dream it up and visualize it. Anything you will pray and work for. That is the key right there is to pray for it so its right and then work. work, work for it. It can be accomplished.
This I love because I never thought I was a good runner and I put my mind to running a half marathon and with a lot of training I did it. I made it and I lived haha... I was amazed at what I could do. I also have done other hard things since then because that helped boost my self esteem about my abilities. I am grateful for people around me to help encourage me to do things out of my comfort zone.
He gives a challenge to talk hopefully about everything for 24 hours. Its hard but you can do it and you will be amazed. As you continue to do this you will see how your thought processes will change. It will take work and you have to stop your mind when you start to think about negative things. It can be done though. I am going to take that challenge and even if I don't get it all right the first day which I'm sure I won't, I will do better and better every day.
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