Monday, January 30, 2017

Blurb..... Best scrapbooking place ever!!!

I don't know about you but I love looking back at my old pictures and being reminded of the fun stuff we have done, or what I looked like as a kid.    I am so glad that my mom scrap booked my childhood.  You can tell where she stopped doing it and turned it over to me.   It suddenly exploded with stickers and very bad handwriting.   I still like to look back especially with my kids and they can see mom was little once too.   Its fun.

When I got home from my mission I had a TON of pictures from the last year and a half of my life.  I mean tons and tons.  The thought of printing them all out and actually scrapbooking was not exciting to me.   I found a website and it is amazing.  You download it to your computer and you can work on it offline and then when you finally have it all ready you upload it to the website and you can order a copy of it.

It is so easy to upload your pictures into the program and it has page set ups for you.  They have so many options with backrounds and colors. You can pretty much customize anything you want.  I love it.   I did my mission scrapbook that way and it was only like $80 to get it printed.  It would have cost a lot more to get all of the pictures printed and then either used my moms paper and stuff.  Also since you can fit so many pictures on the pages I put a lot more pictures in.   The pages look really nice and they are printed on good quality paper.

I have done 4 books total and the last ones I did when I checked out it was a lot more expensive than my first two and I thought sheesh the prices have gone up so much.  Then when they came in the mail I realized why.  They were big.  My first ones were 8x10 and these new ones were 11x13, so much bigger.  I have really liked the bigger ones though, the pictures are bigger and so you can fit even more pictures on the pages.  There is a basic number of pages in the book and then for each additional page its so much per page.  My books are usually around 200-300 pages.  I fit 2-3 years in each one.  I think I will start doing less pictures and fitting more years into each book now that we have more kids.

This program has saved my scrapbooking life haha  I wouldn't do it otherwise, or I would be 10 years behind because I was never much of a paper crafter girl.  Right now I am working on the family one and I am only 1 year behind.   Lexi's book I am at 2015, and then I haven't started on either of the boys.   I am making great progress.  This is one of my big goals this year is to get all caught up and be maybe just 6 months behind in each one.   Its good to be a little behind since some pictures you get from other people take a little bit to get.   If I can get to that point this year I will be happy. Its much easier to stay caught up once you gap the years.

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