Saturday, November 21, 2015

Where my crunchiness began

The other day my mom was over and she asked me what made me start to be healthier and more natural about the way I do things?   I stopped and thought..... Where did it start?

I had always considered myself pretty healthy and natural in some ways.  I rarely ever take medications and I used the essential oils that my mom had around the house.  I tried to eat somewhat healthy and I exercised.

I thought back and I came to the conclusion that is was a lot of small things that built up.  First I would say it was my Gallbladder acting up and causing issues.  I went to a natural herb person to try to get some herbs to help me.  They didn't seem to relieve my pain.  I eventually got it removed 2 months after I had my second child.  I just began thinking about all of the remedies this lady had given me. I still took some of those herbs she suggested I take to help my overall digestive system.

When my oldest child, my daughter was potty training I bought some "trainers"  they were part of the cloth diaper world.   I liked them ok but I also had a son that was about a year old at that point.  I was going though a lot of diapers before she got potty trained and I hated going through so many diapers.  So I decided to give the cloth diaper route a try.  I remembered my mom doing it and helping her....... those were not very good and positive memories.  My sister in law had said she was going to do cloth diapers with her son who was born about 9 months after my son.   So I thought I will give it a try since its pretty much the same as potty training with cleaning up anyways.    I just ordered a bunch off a website and it was package deal so it came with everything I would need to start.   After months of using them I decided its not bad at all I like it.   After two years of cloth diapering I love it.  I really don't think its bad at all, and I actually kind of liked it.  I feel like I had to touch a lot more poop and wet things with disposable because we would have blow outs or leaks.  That is a whole different post on its own about my cloth diapering journey.

Cloth diapers just got me thinking more about other ways to save and be more environmentally friendly. Be more natural.   Then I was pregnant with my third child and my dr had surprisingly retired in the middle of my pregnancy.  So here I was 20 weeks and I was having to look for a new Dr.  I decided I wanted to go the natural route.   I chose a few midwifes in the area and interviewed them to find out more about them and how they practiced.  I decided to go with one that seemed like a good fit.   I think this is really where I began to be a little more passionate about natural and healthy living.  I began to socialize with more naturally minded people.  I joined groups on Facebook that I could learn more about living and being natural.   I had my third child without medication and I loved it.  It was so different than my previous two.  I had always wanted to deliver my babies natural.   This was another huge step in my crunchy journey.

This past summer I was diagnosed with a more aggressive type of basal cell carcinoma.  I had had a bump on the back of my head for years. I just thought it was a weird zit that I never paid much attention to.  Then it began to bother me a little bit more and one day it was numb and the whole part around it was numb as well.  I though I had better go get this checked out since we already met our deductible for our insurance. haha.    So I went into a dermatologist and he excised it and sent it off to the labs.  He said it looked just like a cyst.   A few weeks later I got a letter saying the cultures came back normal and its all ok.    This was a picture after the dermatologist had taken out the small part and cauterized it.

 Then a days later I got a call from the Dr. asking me to call back.  I just forgot and never called him back I was a busy mom with three kids and we were in the middle of buying and selling houses.   Then he called again and this time I answered and he said that the pathology came back positive for cancer.  CANCER?!?!  A million different thoughts run through your mind when a Dr. tells you you have cancer.  So he referred me to a specialist and I went in and they removed my skin cancer.  They got it all in two rounds of MOHS surgery and then they had a plastic surgeon fix up my head.  I will spare you the picture of the actual cut out part.   This is the bandage after the plastic surgeon had fixed me up.

This scary experience made me A LOT more aware of my health and my life.   When they told me I had cancer I automatically thought the worst and I thought my poor family I have three small children and a wonderful husband I will be leaving behind.   Thank goodness it really wasn't  that aggressive of cancer and we got it all taken care of fast.  I decided ok I need to really be healthier and make sure my kids eat and have a healthy lifestyle.

I have tried to be more aware and learn of other ways to be healthier and not just diet but change my lifestyle to be healthier.   I want to have more energy and have a happy healthy life.  I want my kids to know and learn about eating and living right.  I love finding new things to try and ways to be healthier and happier.  I am grateful for those small steps that have brought me to where I am today.

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