Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Breastfeeding vs bottle feeding

I thought I would write a post about this because I have experienced both.  Everyone has their own opinion and thoughts about this...... This is mine.
 My first daughter I exclusively breastfed for 11 months and then she self weaned.  I then realized I was pregnant so I don't know if that had anything to do with it.    She was a great nurser and I never had a problem making enough milk for her.  I went back to work at 6 weeks.

I would pump and send the milk with her.  I just have the simple hand pump because I didn't use it a whole lot.   She did fine on bottles, she actually had a hard time at first nursing again after she had a whole day of bottles.  I only worked one day a week so she only had bottles for that one day a week.  She did great otherwise.  I thought to myself why would anyone want to bottle feed if breastfeeding was pretty easy and inexpensive.  Little did I know.......

Then I had my second son and he was a whirlwind of his own since he was born.  His cord broke while he was being born so he lost a lot of blood.  They kept him in the NICU for a few hours to monitor him so I didn't get to breastfeed him as soon as I wanted or even have skin to skin time.  They told me he needed fluids so that I should get some formula in him.   So I did.  I was still nursing him and pumping extra to try to get my milk to come in sooner.  I continued to supplement him as we went home.  Two day after being home he still just wasn't getting a good latch, so I went back to the hospital to get some help with a lactation consultant and they suggest I used a shield.   So I did and he would eat a little better but still not very well.  A lot of the time I would just pump and then feed him a bottle because it was so draining to try to feed him.

I had gallbladder issues start up when I was 27 weeks pregnant and I had tried natural ways to help reduce the pain.  Nothing worked I continued to have the attacks and after he was born I thought it would go away but 2 weeks after he was born they started up again. I literally could not eat anything.  I lived on muffins and apple juice.  I noticed my milk supply was dropping drastically.  I decided after a 48 hour attack it was time to remove my gallbladder.  I couldn't go on living like this.   So I had the surgery and 2 days later my milk was pretty much gone.   I was exhausted from the surgery and trying to keep up with my 19 month old and my newborn it was just too much. I had decided I would just formula feed my baby. Yes I felt like a failure......I couldn't feed my son.... I had done it so easily with my daughter.   So I shopped on ebay and our local classified sites and got the similac sensitive formula for relatively cheap.    He was such a happier baby because he was getting enough food.  He had always been fussy and wanted to eat ALL the time.  Come to realize that was because I wasn't producing enough for him, without being able to eat much myself.   I blame my low milk production on my gallbladder.

There are definitely some benefits to formula feeding your baby.  Dad can now help.   This was great on weekends I would have him help on the nightly feedings.  I didn't have to worry about pumping if I wanted to leave him with someone for more than a few hours.  It was fabulous.   Then we went camping and I thought how am I going to get warm water to make his milk?  That complicated things a little bit.  We are big campers so I had to figure something out or we would have a rough summer.  I bought a thermos and would put boiling hot water in it.  it would last at least 12 hours.  I would add cold water to his bottle and some of the boiling water to make it just right.  This was quite complicated in the middle of the night in a tent.   Overall the year went by and he thrived on formula so we were all happy.  That is what was right for that situation and I was ok with that.


Jump forward to my third baby.  He nursed within minutes of being born and has nursed like a champ ever since.  He is now 9 months old and he loves nursing.  He nurses way more than he probably should at this point but I figure he likes it and its so easy.   I love nursing and find it so much more convenient than formula feeding, now having experienced that side of things.  Its always there and ready.  Its always the right temperature.  I get quiet bonding time with my baby.   Yes it "ties" you down  a little but I don't mind.  I love my baby and he needs me.  I am so happy that I am able to produce enough milk for him and that he likes to cuddle.

Overall they both have their perks and downsides.  I guess it comes down to what YOU feel is most important for YOU and YOUR BABY.    That is really what this is all about, is if you and your baby are happy with what you are doing.  Some moms are not able to produce enough milk to sustain their baby and I am so grateful that we have formula for those situations.  Also some moms just don't want to breastfeed and that is fine too.  Everyone has their own opinion and their own family.    I am not opposed to formula feeding and in no way do I look down on those moms.  I have been there... I was once one of those moms.    We all have our reasons for doing things and we shouldn't judge other moms for their decisions about feeding their baby.  We are all just trying to do our best and we need support from other moms.

   I love breastfeeding and I really do think its healthier for baby if we are able and willing to provide that for our baby.  Our bodies know just what our babies need and they adjust the milk to the needs of our babies.  I will continue to breastfeed my babies but if something comes up again that makes me not able to for whatever reason and I have tried and tried and it just doesn't work out.   That is ok.   I am ok with formula feeding too.  Its not the end of the world like I once felt and thought it would be. The overall goal is to have a happy and healthy baby.


  1. great and amazing post. your doing a good job. most of the women dont know about it :)
