I have always been an active person. I like hiking, biking, swimming, riding horses and just in general being outside. I married an active guy too, we love hiking together. I knew having kids would change that a little. We had our first little girl and we still had an active lifestyle. We went camping and hiking. We would pack her around. I started out with just a baby bjorn and it worked well from what I knew. We also had a structured hiking pack.
Then when I had my son 19 months later I seemed to wear him a little bit more than I wore her. I upgraded to a imitation Ergo. It worked great and I felt like it was more comfortable for both of us. It wasn't as bulky as the hiking pack. I liked it.
When I had my third baby another boy I need to wear him a lot more. It was just harder to get things done with three kids. He also is much more of a mommas boy than my other kids. He loves being held.
I also had a baby ktan I don't have a picture of that one. I used the ktan a lot when he was a newborn. It kept him super close and it supported his little body. Once he was about 12 lbs it started to hurt my back to wear him in it anymore. So I got the ring sling and I just never liked it much and couldn't get the hang of it. I preferred my fake ergo, until.....
My sister in law introduced me to the Kinderpack. We had been talking packs and about the Tula and Kinderpack. I had gotten a tula off a swap page and it was nice but I didn't like the hood on it, and I felt like it was stiff. So then I made the leap to Kinderpack...... I say leap because they were quite a bit of money and harder to come by.
I have LOVED the kinderpack. It has koolknit as part of the fabric so its breathable in hot weather. You can see in this picture there are three panels and one is the breathable stuff. It makes it a little bit cooler to wear your kiddos in the summer heat. I really like the design of these packs. They have 4 different sizes. Infant, standard, toddler and preschool. They also have super cute designs and fun patterned prints, that just adds to the fun of these packs.
My son loves being in this he will fall asleep so fast. He has never been much of a cuddler so I can't rock him to sleep. I can wear him to sleep though. This makes my life so much easier with three small children. I don't go anywhere without my kinderpacks. I also will wear my almost three year old son in the standard size pack when we go grocery shopping so I can keep a handle on him. He is at that independent stage where he wants to walk by himself. So its nice to be able to wear him and then have my baby sit in the cart. It makes for some fast shopping trips.
I love wearing my babies and wish I would have known about kinderpacks back when I first had kids. I feel like its even more helpful now with three kids and I will continue to use it a lot as we continue to add to our family. I love keeping them close and still being able to do my daily mom stuff.
We recently went to Disneyland and being able to wear my 9 month old was a life saver. He is used to being down and crawling around all day long. Having to hold him all day long at Disneyland was easier when I could wear him and he still felt close.
I have tried a lot of different carriers and I love what I have tried and learned from them all. I would never wear a bjorn again knowing what I know now. I think the nicer packs are well worth the extra money to be able to get my stuff done and yet tend to my kids needs as well. They are a lifesaver for moms.