Monday, January 1, 2018

A new way to do New Years Resolutions

In one of my podcast that I have been listening to recently they talked about new years resolutions and we all know that 90% of them don't actually work out.  That is just normal.  These ladies had a different idea and I really liked it.
They were talking about just picking a word or a phrase for that year like "rest"  or "discover"  Then they take that word and apply it into each area they are wanting to improve.  Discover new ways to live healthy or lose weight or Discover a new food.  Discover new friends.   They liked an idea better to focus on.  They used prayer and scriptures to pick there theme of the year.  I really liked this idea and I want to try this.

They also said make a list of things you want to do more of and a list of things you want to do less of.  Make that part of your resolutions. Really live life and don't just react to it.  Make sure you are deciding where your time goes and don't let life decide for you.  I love this because sometimes we do let life decide what happens or how we react to what life gives us.  We need to have a plan and be prepared to continue on with life.

I love making goals and writing them down I have been pretty good at doing that since we got married.  I didn't always do all of them but I really tried and I would see my list there next to my desk or bed and it would be a daily reminder of what I had wanted to accomplish that year.  So I like this idea of a phrase and then write a list of things I want to do more of.  I know go to temple will be one of those.  I love going but with little kids its hard to have time to go. I used to trade time with my sister watching kids so we could each go.  I know its on my list to go weekly when all of my kids are in school.  That is a ways off for me though so I need to find an alternative plan until that time has come.

Then to make a list of things I want to do less of is spend money or spend less time on my phone mindlessly reading things of no importance.  I also want to eat out less..... which in turn means cooking more.  I have always had a hard time with cooking meals consistently.  My mom was amazing at doing this.  We always had a great pretty balanced meal.  I go in streaks where I will cook for a few weeks really good then I won't for multiple reasons.   Now that I am pregnant and getting farther along the less I want to cook.  My motivation to cook now is because I want to make sure that we are eating healthier food and know what is actually in our food.

So I have made a list of things I want to do more of and less of and some actual goals too.  I also chose "Back to Basics"  for the theme.  I want to simplify so many things and I feel like that can be summed up in back to basics.  I want to apply that to all things in my life.  I will do random post that will help me be accountable for how I am using that phrase this year.

I am excited for a new year and a fresh new start, even though everyday is a fresh start but the new year is a great time to have some long term goals as well.

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