Tuesday, April 24, 2018

How we avoided sickness this winter

I hate winter time because everyone gets sick so much.  Its not too bad to be sick when your an adult but when your a mom and have little kids its terrible.  I was determined this winter that we weren't going to get sick.  I had done my research and had ways of prevention.   It did work for the most part.   Here are some of the things we did.

First thing is I diffused on-guard or breathe every night in the kids rooms.  I also did this in our room.  My sister said she did this last winter and her daughter that gets frequent ear infections didn't get any that year.  So I thought that makes sense so we will adopt that practice in our winter home.   It was easy to remember to do.

We also did daily vitamins.  I made the gummy vitamins that they took every day.  I make a probiotic one and also a vitamin C.  They take them every morning with breakfast and when they had a runny nose start or a symptom they would double up on the vit C.  I would even have them take them at night and morning when we were getting symptoms.  They are super easy to make and well worth the money to not be sick. Plus the kids love them.

They have the gelatin in them and that is so beneficial I am learning.  I knew it would help with hair and I have been trying to get my daughters hair to grow better and be healthier so I was excited she takes these vitamins with all this gelatin in them.  Apparently its also very good for the gut.  That will be so helpful for my kids.  They are picky eaters and I have been trying to be better to have healthy foods available for them to grab and eat.  So this was an added bonus I discovered.

When we did start to have a little cough or runny nose I started dosing them up with elderberry syrup.  They would take it 3 times a day if I could remember to do it.  This helped so much.  They love how it taste too.  I tried to make my own a few years ago and it did not taste good at all.  I found some on amazon that taste great and I feel like It works great.  I bought some capsules for me because they are cheaper than the syrup but I love the syrup taste as well.   This helped shorten and get those runny noses and coughs healed quick.

I also took my youngest son and I to the chiropractor.  He tends to get ear infections so I took him and and had him adjusted to help prevent that.  Also I have been listening to a lot of good podcasts that talk about the benefits to being adjusted frequently.  I am amazed at what it can do.  It makes sense since our nerves affect everything in the body.  I wish I could afford to get everyone adjusted once a week or more but that is just too pricey.  I am going to check with my chiropractor to see if they do a frequent flier discount.  I would seriously take the whole family in once a week if it was affordable.
I didn't do this as much as I wanted this winter I think I went in three times and my son was just twice.  I also have an appointment this week to go in after my recent delivery to make sure everything is back in place after being pregnant and delivering.

I think something else that helped us not get sick this winter was that we were able to be outside more.  It was an abnormally warm winter and we were outside playing so much more than we normally are.  I know that getting out in fresh air really helps keep us healthy.  We get stuck in our houses all winter and we don't get fresh air enough.  Even though its freezing cold other times its still better to get a few minutes of fresh air.

I am so grateful that we didn't catch anything bad this winter.  We did have a few quick colds but they were rapidly gone because we had the things to fight them off and I am so glad I have learned about these things.

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