I am in full birth prep over here I am 38 weeks. Even though I don't expect her to show up for another 2-4 weeks I still wanted to start to prep. Although the other day I distinctly felt her drop and put a ton of pressure on my pelvis. I have never had this feeling before so I take that as a good sign. I really waddle now because there is just so much pressure on my pelvis bones now.
I have been redoing my hypnobirthing home study course again. Just re reading and going through my book. I really learned a lot going through it again. I was suprised actually. I have been trying to find time to listen and practice them. Its even harder with three kids. I remember when I did it when I was pregnant with Sawyer and I thought it was hard to find time. I usually do it right at bed time or randomly find a time in the day but that doesn't happen very often.
I love how it makes me feel though. I feel so relaxed and sometimes I drift off and kind of sleep but I know its still working and getting into my subconscious. I feel more relaxed and calm after I listen to a track. I really feel like its going to be key to the birth process.
I also started drinking red raspberry leaf tea. It doesn't taste good but I add a little bit of honey and that makes it bearable. I just do one cup a day and that should help prepare my uterus to function optimally. I figure it can't hurt, plus I have a huge bag I ordered and so I better use it up. I also plan to continue drinking it after to help strengthen my uterus back up after delivery, since I have so much of it.
With Max and Sawyers pregnancies I took a supplement called 5W that is just a 5 week prep. Its a herbal pill. This time I just started with Dr. Christophers birth prep herbs. I think they help for sure and once again it can't really do any harm so why not. Anything that can help prepare my body so it can do its thing more efficiently is ok with me.
I have been sitting or bouncing on my birthing ball and it feels great. I feel like she has been in a great position for a long time. Super low and head almost all the way down. This just is a great place to sit when I read or have work meetings I need to listen to. The kids will steal my ball and play with it they love it too.
I have been listening to this podcast called fear free birth and it has so many good positive birth stories. It gives me ideas on how to approach my birth and new ways to not be afraid of the pain. I really feel like I will have a good handle on it. I do not want her to break my water this time. I have always had them break my water and that is when it got really intense with Sawyer. So I want it to happen naturally this time. I also have a lot of good ideas for positions and things to do during the pressure waves. I am excited to try them and see what feels good.
I really plan on staying home as long as possible since the hospital is only 8 min away. We have a big tub in one of our bathrooms. So I will soak in there for a while. I know that was my favorite part with Sawyer. I hardly felt any pressure waves with him in the tub. It also helped me dilate quicker. It was just so relaxing. I loved it. I feel more comfortable in my own home too.
With my job I have been trying to work extra hours to make up for some of the time I will be off. They are so good to work with me and I have maternity leave set up but I don't want to be off too long because I start to forget things. Where I work from home, I am just going to take a few full weeks off then I can start working a few hours again. I am so blessed and grateful for this job and love every part of it.
Needless to say I have been busy trying to keep up with everything and I like it. It makes time go by faster when I stay busy. I have tried to plan a lot of things to keep me busy and going places so it will go by even faster. Then after she is here we can slow way down and rest and recover. I am thrilled and ecstatic looking forward to her birth and how it will play out.
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