Monday, April 17, 2017

Salad in a jar party.... now that is my kind of party!!!

In one of my crunchy healthy groups I am in they did a Salad in a Jar party.  It was great, because who doesn't want to eat healthier.  Its nice because its just all ready for you to grab and eat a healthy lunch. 
We all brought different ingredients and put them together.  There are certain things that have to go on the bottom in the dressing so they won't get soggy.  This chart kind of helps with that.  It also gives some good ideas of new things to try.  I have tried a bunch of new things I wouldn't have thought to put in salad.  They have turned out pretty good and add variety into my diet. 

The chart is kind of blurry but I wanted you guys to see and get an idea of what you can use.  
These salads in a jar make life so much easier and healthier.  I don't know about you but by the time I get kids lunch and they finish I end up eating left overs or just totally forgetting to eat.  So these are nice I would just grab one of the fridge and dump it out on my plate and there I have a healthy delicious lunch ready for me.  

We used pint jars and at first I was like that is going to be too small.  If you stuff it in well enough its plenty.  I have even filled my jar too full of the toppings and I didn't have any room for the greens.  That is ok though I usually have some sort of greens in my fridge and I can add that base pretty easily.  Plus its all the toppings that is time consuming to cut up for just one salad.  

We have done 5 jars at a time and that way it last you a week or so depending on how fast and often you eat them.  I have eaten them with dinner too and shared with everyone. I have only done this twice but it was great both times and I liked most of them.  I have had one or two that just didn't mix well with what I had experimented with.  You just learn as you go what mixes well with what.  

I didn't have a picture of the ones I made so I found this cool picture on pintrest that had some pretty good ideas and different types of salads.  Looks good with all of those colors.  

Monday, April 10, 2017

Pros and Cons of kids in school

We are in the middle of this transition stage.  I have one in morning half day kindergarten and one in afternoon preschool.   Sad those times didn't work out at the same time.  It would be better to have them both at school at the same time.  Oh well.... so goes life right?
After a day of running the kids to and from school I got a minute to sit down and just "rest"  I thought back to the days when we didn't have to get ready to go anywhere unless I decided to venture out somewhere.   There are some nice benefits to that stage.

We aren't forced to wake kids up so they can go to school.  Almost every morning I have to wake my daughter up for school.  She needs her sleep and I like her to get it so she is happy and healthy.   Along with not having to get kids up and get going we could stay in pjs all day.   Granted I still do this quite often.  Sometimes I get somewhere and realize I was still in my pjs. haha.   ops.  This cuts down a lot on laundry, which in turn frees up some of moms time.
When I first sent my oldest to preschool I was worried because I wasn't sure exactly what she would be taught.  I kind of knew the teacher and knew she was a good person and had great values.  I just wouldn't be there all the time to know what she is being taught or told.    Then when they get a little bit older like in kindergarten they get talking with the other kids.  She has come home with some interesting stories from other kids.   Nothing too crazy yet but I'm sure well get that soon enough.   This just emphasized to me that I need to be better at teaching her the right principles and values at home.  So when she is confronted with something she knows the right answer and will be confident in what she knows is right.   The weight of teaching my children all of the correct things is put on my shoulders.  I just need to take it a little at a time and do my best.  In this aspect they also get to learn and grow for themselves.  I will touch on this in the pros to having the kids in school.

Then we have the things that make me happy my kids are in school.  They get to meet new friends and learn new things on their own.  They get to grow and develop without mom always there.   I have gone to help out in Lexis class before and its interesting to see how she acts around her peers.  She is on the shy side but not as shy as she was at first when school started.
With the kids gone to school I get to spend more one on one or one on two time with the other kids.  They get more individualized time.  Which is important to them so they know they are loved just the same as the other kids.
I am also able to accomplish more while they are at school so then when they get home I will have my "chores" done so I can help with homework or just spend family time together.  I don't get that too much yet where they are gone at different times still. I can see that being a big bonus when they go at the same time and I only have one or none at home.   I remember thinking what does mom do all day when we are all at school.   OH BOY do I know now..... that is where all my clean clothes came from,  that is where all the food and meals came from.  That time we were gone is when she did all of this stuff.  I appreciate my mom so much more now that I am a mother myself.   I find myself looking back all the time thinking how did mom do this or that.

I look forward to the day that the kids are all in school. I think of all the things I can do and get done.  Then at the same time I will miss my kids and know they are growing up too fast.  Its a double edged sword.  For now I will just enjoy the little kids and the time they are home and know that soon enough that time will come.  A time and a season for everythings.  Just enjoy the stage of life that I am in now. I don't want to wish away their childhood.  I love having them here at home.